The Kilimanjaro Mountain Club is a voluntary organization which has an interest in Africa’s highest mountain and its surrounding areas.
It organizes monthly meetings, excursions and camping trips.
By becoming a member you will be:
-Receiving information by email about our activities
- Meeting nice people
- Enjoying interesting indoor talks
- Visiting great places you would never find on your own.
When individuals and small groups started climbing the Mountain huts were build by the Germans and in 1913 the first club Kilimandscharo Bergverein was founded. The activities ceased with the start of World War I. In 1929 the East African Mountain Club was formed with its HQs in Moshi and it maintained old huts, build new ones and organised climbs. Later the Kenyan and Ugandan Section were formed and around 1950 they became separate clubs. The Kilimanjaro Mountain club was formed in 1959.

Although the independence came in 1961 the Mountain Club continued having responsibilities for the huts until The Government took over in 1973 by forming the National Parks. The KMC has continued to promote an interest in the mountain and its surrounding areas. The KMC continues to be active in planning monthly indoor meetings and excursions.
The magazine ICE-CAP is published by the Club once every decade, a new publication planned for 2016.
Every month the Committee invites a speaker to give an evening talk not only related to Mount Kilimanjaro and it's environs, but also on other interesting topics on nature, culture, economy and many other topics.
During the year we often organise day-trips, usually on a Saturday.
In the past we have walked between villages on the slopes Kilimanjaro, had a tour to a Masai herbalist, visited historic old Moshi and had a guided tour in the Coffee Curing Plant.


Usually the last weekend of the month, the Mountain Club organizes a trip out of Moshi to an interesting location “in the bush” where we camp overnight. These are very worthwhile breaks away from everyday commitments. Members can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Northern Tanzania, cook food, pitch tents and have pleasant company for an evening around the campfire. Often there will be bush or forest walks to keep fit and explore the countryside. In the past year we have camped on the shores of Lake Natron, Nyumba ya Mungu Reservoir and on the plains of West Kilimanjaro.
The annual membership is TZS 15,000 and this will be used to support the activities of the Mountain Club.
Non-members who visit the monthly meetings or trips will be asked to contribute a visitors fee of TZS 3,000.
Kilimanjaro Mountain Club P.O. Box 77, Moshi - Kilimanjaro Region Tanzania

last updated: 10 July 2016