The Coffee Shop is a project of St. Margaret's Anglican Church in Moshi, and profits are directed into the work of the church and the Diocese of Mt. Kiiimanjaro.
The Coffee Shop is the producer of the popular The Moshi Guide, which is published annually. Proceeds from the publication of this guide are being donated to this project.
The Coffee Shop was opened in 1996 and is an outreach of St. Margaret's Anglican Church in Moshi. We don't see the Coffee Shop as a mere profit oriented business but our aim is to provide employment, serve the community by providing a pleasant meeting place and to promote Tanzanian Coffees. Surpluses are directed into the work of the church and The Diocese of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Please enjoy your stay. We appreciate any suggestions for improvements to our service. You can also buy here the attractive Alternative Tourist Map of Kilimanjaro.